Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Franczyk Happenings:: Part 2

So I had visions of Christmas morning (we did Christmas last Saturday with my family) kind of like the scene from Little Women. Probably because I love that movie- and sometimes wish that life could go back to being simpler like what it seems to be back then.
Anyways- do you remember the Christmas morning scene where there was all that lovely food on the table- and everyone was chipper and optimistic and thankful for the little things? The littlest (I can't remember her name) even says, "Oh, isn't butter divine!" I really don't think that is something in America today- that most would be thankful for.
Anyways- I was in charge of bringing the bread this year (along with other things). I had made one loaf already and the 2nd was made Christmas morning. I had even made my own butter and I thought all was well with the world.
After I had done some more cooking- I went upstairs to get ready while my husband was with the kids downstairs. I came down only to see my beloved loaf of bread looking like it was from a Friday the 13th movie instead of my beloved Little Women Christmas loaf of bread. It really looked as if my son had taken a knife to it- but my husband reassured me that he just put our blender lid on it a few times. Sigh....
Here are some more pictures from our Christmas last Saturday.

Happy Birthday Jesus!!

I love this picture of my mom. I feel like it really captures her as a person. One of the most giving people- so fitting that she is giving out gifts. And I love her smile- so genuine.

Trev's trains!

We love transformers- fake smile though

Love these guys!

This is a special picture-as I was always a daddy's girl- my dad with my daughter.

Hope you all have a Merry Christmas!


Stubborn Hope said...

beautiful! and, by the way...your butter was DIVINE! :) love you!!!

Jon and Katie Evans said...

I love this post Sarah! I too love Little Women!