Thursday, August 19, 2010

E and E

This past summer I was blessed to get to know these 2 girls better through photography. 2 Elizabeths. It's funny because that was the name my parents wanted to name me, but with a last name like Alberhasky... it would have been a little too long.
My sister-in-law was one of them, Elsie- for short, who lived with us this summer- and Elizabeth- who had gone to my church. So they came along to various sessions, and at the end of the summer we went out on a session of our own. I didn't tell them, but to make it more interesting I dressed up in my wedding gown- and they dressed up and wore cool glass and such. It was fun and a great way to end our time. Thanks girls!







Elsie, shocked and amazed at the strechiness of these pants.... don't try this at home.. she is a trained professional.

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